Friday, October 17, 2008

Rounds In The Game Frustration

Torno a parlare...

More than a month without updating my blog, never happened before ...
There are times when the words end and thoughts are just indescribable forms.
I think the inspiration comes mostly from the despair and suffering, when you are "good" no longer know how to describe what we feel, not because we are empty or just silly but it is wonderful to be happy that we do not lose time to give us the words.
How to describe feelings so big and so bright without losing every nuance that makes them huge to really understand how ci si sente?
Trovo molto più facile descrivere il buio, la tristezza, è più facile angosciare chi legge mentre trovo difficilissimo trasmettere e far provare il bene. Forse sono io ad esserne incapace.
Eppure ci sto provando... i miei post non parlano che di "sole" e di bene, le battaglie e le guerre sono lontane ormai, vivo un lungo periodo di pace.
La Mia Stanza è in PACE!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pokemon Ss How Do You Migrate


Hello dear ... this time I have a lot of things to do and so I have not ticked for a long time ... at least on an ongoing basis. So I decided to start looking for a job long, but that I can gradually see the result ... or the curtains in my new kitchen ... The fabric is squares and in turn I decided spreaders angels Jeremiah Junction, taken from ABC magazine Angels.Ecco here ... the first of 52!

Hi my dear ... in this period I've lots of things to do and I know I have not enough time to stitch continuously. So I Decided to begin to stitch a big work, of which anyway I can see finished steps day by be more precise the curtains for my new kitchen...The subjects are from Jeremiah Junction's leaflet,ABC Angels. Here's the first one...of 52!!!

Inoltre poichè la mia cucina ha diversi richiami in rosso ho comprato su questo kit di Madame La Fee...spero mi arrivi presto!!!

Moreover, as my kitchen has lots of red accessories, I bought this kit by Madame La Fee on hope it will arrive as soon as possible!!!

Un abbraccio forte!!!

Great Hugs to everyone!