Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Get In Baitbus For Free

Oggi, in mezzo alla tormenta di neve, la postina ci ha portato la cartolina lì sopra.
Arriva da Città del Capo: facciamo mente locale.
Certo, è quella coppia di austriaci, con una bimba piccolissima: venivano molto spesso, due cappuccini, un dolce o uno spuntino. Quando sono partiti ci hanno salutato raccontandoci che trascorreranno tutto l'inverno in Sudafrica per poi tornare in Carinzia in aprile e trscorrere l'estate qui al fresco.
Nel salutarli ho regalato loro un panettone, and I was recommended to taste it at Christmas, not before.
not have made it, write on the postcard that was really very good. And they tell us that the trip went very well and can not wait to go back to drink our cappuccino.
The week begins with joy. Good day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Is The Cost Of Daycare In Miami


The Superclass Agnatha are of aquatic animals, which have marked the history of life on Earth, as were the first chordates (animals with spinal cord) to evolve.
Their name means "without a jaw," and the only representatives have survived to this day lampreys and Missin.
These two classes have completely changed compared to their ancestors, who had a snake body, could have paired fins or spines that served to stabilize swimming, and had a cephalic shield protecting them from predators (the Pterigoti, scorpions sea). lampreys and Missin gathered in the Superclass Cyclostomes, while their ancestors are part of the class of ostracoderms.

Ostracoderma Example: ~ dwm2/Geology% 20Presentation/Ostracoderms.jpg


Missin: fauna/Fisk/images/DSC00348.jpg

Some lampreys (all rights reserved to the author of the video borjail )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

College Sororities Initiation

Le Porte

Il passato dietro le porte chiuse scalpita per essere ricordato...
cammino nei lunghi corridoi e sento tante voci, mi chiamano, mi chiamano, c'è confusione tanta confusione, da tanto mi ero proibita di riattraversare questi luoghi, ma adesso eccomi qui perduta nel fracasso dei ricordi e non so più come tornare indietro...
Mi fermo e una voce più forte attira la mia attenzione, ho paura di aprire la porta da cui proviene il suono, ma mi sembra così dolce, così familiare...
mi avvicino, mi avvicino sempre di più e prima che mi renda conto sono dentro:

C'è musica, si bella musica, li riconosco sono i Dire Straits...
salgo una scala a chiocciola, mi guardo in giro, sono nella mia mansardina, la mia prima stanza, come amavo stare sola ad ascoltare musica al chiaro di luna, ma dove sono? ah, eccomi lì ai piedi del letto, seduta a terra, o mio Dio! devo avere 15 anni e sto piangendo, anzi mi dispero! ma perché? ah si, ricordo ho appena litigato con mia madre ma la causa del mio malumore non è lei, ho appena scaricato la rabbia urlandole contro che non mi piaceva il regalo, il regalo??? ah si! è ottobre il mio compleanno ho appena avuto una delusione da un ragazzo, Mario ed ero innamorata di un mio amico caro, Adolfo... mamma mia sembro davvero disperata, come ero ingenua, ho il viso rigato di lacrime, rosso e goffo.
Mi avvicino a me e mi siedo, ascolto la musica ed ecco che accade...
inizio to smell the scent of my old room, I feel the sadness take hold of me and feel the despair, the jump occurred in the past are!
are desperate because they have been betrayed by those who want really good, I feel the humiliation and run more pictures of Adolf who is now far away, is aware of my feelings and this was dismissed for not making me suffer ... what a mess that I've done, I see no way out and I feel alone, terribly alone.
Then after a while 'the crying end and I feel better, the music becomes an integral part of my emotions and start to think that tomorrow will be better, I close my eyes ...
's me again, and I find myself with the door behind me ...
L'adolescenza... tutto è tremendamente intenso, l'avevo dimenticato, che ricordo!
Il buio del corridoio mi riporta al presente, sento chiamare e adesso decido di proseguire...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mia - Tavernanadine J

I arrived twenty-sixth ....:-)

these days I received these photos in an episode that I almost removed : 26 I won the prize of a review sweet! In Austria!
And we were 27 competitors, as they promptly insinuated my affectionate family, but less than 52.
So for someone like me, who never makes sweet except at Easter and Christmas, is a tremendous accomplishment.
E 'that happened during a party at Valbruna a few years ago I worked with the lady next to me that you see in the fifth photo. Then we stayed in touch, sometimes we chatted over coffee. Her name is Renate
Bohrisch and, together with Manfred Waldhauser, deals with events and collaborates with the City of Ferlach in Carinthia.
Last summer he asked me if I knew anyone who might attend the event on Reindling (which they called Pohaca and Schartl us) that his community was organizing. It was to bring a cake whose recipe is more or less similar, but in the three neighboring regions is produced with interesting variations.
course I knew more than a few nice lady who does the Reindling wonderful, I would have gladly shown where to find them!
Then, for a variety of circumstances please contact any of the ladies was able to participate and therefore, concluded Ms Renate, "Me makes her one and makes us have, it seems easy !" .
She seemed very easy, to me it seemed much less easy: I never liked to compete, knowing then to even less embarrassing. And in August I really much else to do.
The Saturday before the event went to take my Sunday Schartl and the jury ruled.
I did not think of going to Ferlach, here was the festival of the country and in the afternoon I'd rather stay here. Instead, the mayor Ingo Appe calls me and tells me the phone that I would like to thank you for your cooperation and would be pleased to give me a present from their municipality. It is not polite to miss this event, and then, without even a change, I left a tent full of people, I was working in Camporosso where to go, an hour's drive away, in a tent full of people in Ferlach, watching other people work in costume.
I was touched to see my Schartl row exposure of the 52 desserts: all very different, yet with a similar root, which dates back to the past.
I'm not saying that I was proud, but it seemed that her figure make her too, although I had seen so "mangy" before leaving.
And yesterday via email, I received the picture above: My diplomino, the Schartl before cooking, the winners of the competition with the Mayor (in brackets are both Slovenian), one of display stands with some sweets and then I with Mrs. Renate e il sindaco Ingo. Il presente è quello stampo in ceramica per dolci che tengo in mano, con lo stemma del Comune di Ferlach, proprio bello.
Devo dire che mi sono divertita.
Il diplomino non l'ho appeso, chi lo vede ride e non posso spiegare a tutti che non eravamo in 27, ma in 52.
E poi , se lo vedessero quelle signore che non hanno voluto partecipare e che fanno dei dolci fantastici, forse susciterei anche dell'invidia. Meglio di no, non sarebbe proprio il caso :-)