Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Was Used To Strangle The Guy In God Father


Here is a time of sowing and field installation of the plants. The days are just these, as we have handed our elders.
We handled everything my grandmother, who has forgotten to tell us the details before you go to Heaven.
My sister, the caretaker of the camp, we inform on the right day to plant beans. Antonia who is an expert (having a stable, "his personal" ) while preparing cappuccino explains that 25 is the perfect day to "bury" the beans, especially in the afternoon of 25. "So I said my grandfather, and I do so, even if my mother keeps saying - Let it be, that is not your field! - "
Someone, one of the tables in front of his steaming coffee, there is his own business and exclaims aloud:" Why, you went to plant in someone else's? "
Laughter. Antonia continues to make coffee. My sister takes notes about the precise sowing.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cheats For Pokemon Ruby Vba


Today the sun gave us a happy day. Our customers are sitting outside, finally.
Fortunately, the next week will reach the new tables, which are beautiful and comfortable, even on the sidewalk in front of you will be fine eventually.
Monday Pentecost is celebrated in Austria, the Austrians quindi sono tutti a spasso. Molti sono partiti per un "fine settimana lungo" al mare, il clima stamane qui da noi era festoso. Cappuccini in fila e panini con mortadella.
Queste feste, che noi non viviamo più se non la domenica ( Ascensione, Pentecoste, Corpus Domini) qui in Valcanale portano una ventata di freschezza "di riflesso": i vicini sono a spasso e la cosa un po' coinvolge.
C'è aria di vacanza, che male comunque non fa.
Buona domenica a tutti, con tanto sole e aria fresca a gogo'!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Can Cut Chooridar Payjama


Stamane le auto erano ice. He worked on the windshield of a spatula to remove the veil of ice that froze the moisture of the night. The geraniums, just out seedlings from greenhouses, a few days exposed on banisters and windowsills are shrunken, wrapped themselves up, waiting for better times. He is rooting for them, have it tough, only the best will survive.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Average Bmi For Women Countries

Barbed wire

few days ago a customer came up with that picture there, done from her, I hung close to the cookies that my sister had embroidered. (E 'in the second photo, it's worth looking at closely, is a work art)
The picture, cross-stitch, it says:
"Ein Gast ist froher niemands Last", "A satisfied customer is not a burden to anyone."
Translated simply, " me happy, do not break."
Fine words, meaningful, almost a threat, I would say :-)
The picture hangs near the window. is just right, the lady who did it is happy.
This morning at dawn was in the mood for jokes. Some people tell a joke: "You know what happens if you mate a hedgehog with a silkworm ?".... Match!, The usual jokes ambiguous background, I thought times had changed, but the humor is a restaurant, but at the same level.
"67 meters of barbed wire." I was wrong, has gone from a barracks humor humor to a kindergarten, but he laughs heartily. They all are the seven, started work.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brent Everett & Brent Corrigan


A tradition of the North is to give bread and salt to those who took one home. His friends and neighbors, during the first visit, bring a dish with bread and a bag of salt, a bag of those rustic paper, wound on itself itself.
Cilly came with a ceramic plate, a nice brown bread made by her and the rooms decorated in birch bark, a heart.
Cilly is Cilly Hoferer, Cecilia anagrafe of Friesach in Carinthia.

Cilly not have much time, is very busy. Basically, the restaurant takes him alone in the kitchen if she is not the work is halted. Use products with zero km, and is looking as if by magic. Products produced locally, but also herbs, flowers, berries. Each year, following a project with the elementary schools Friesach and brings children to the third class, those who are studying the Middle Ages, with her in the woods. Collect fruits and herbs and then cook. A soup, ravioli, sometimes sweets with ricotta. Cilly explains to children in the Middle Ages these were the products available and then you ate so Friesach. The kids were only seven of the third: they cooked with her all morning and then have served to seventy people, including parents, children and teachers, the full menu of the Middle Ages. Children are sautéed, served on the table cleared. A very instructive lesson, if you will remember for life. A lesson with great risks, but bears Cilly them willingly, is a reckless nature.
Friesach is a beautiful medieval city, is the only city in Northern Europe that still has a moat with running water, so they told me with pride to the patrons of the bar Cilly,'s worth a trip. I've been on for the first time last summer, Waltraud, who has known Cilly following an interview that he did and after which they became friends. It 'was an interesting finding, there is much to learn from her, if only the serenity of taking major decisions.

The day after the opening Dawit's Cilly arrived at five with his symbolic gift, I have here in the hall.
With this formal way that the Austrians have to tell you when things are important things, that particular way of making a solemn moment, I wished him luck, but particularly health, " that combines for the rest," said so.
He drank a cappuccino travel with me, asked me to go to explain why we Italians make a cappuccino, and so she can not do it, I promised that I would have done a course at home. " Every day you can learn something new " Cilly says, "you never stop .
And it's due ripartire di corsa: alle sei aveva una cena con trenta persone e ci vogliono più di tre quarti d'ora per arrivare dalla mia alla sua cucina.
Se penso che s'è fatta un'ora di viaggio per andare e poi un'altra ora di viaggio per tornare, per portarmi una cosa che ha un valore inestimabile, per lei e per me, la sua condivisione e la sua stima, penso che sono proprio fortunata a conoscere persone così, e sono proprio fortunata ad aver avuto l'opportunità nella mia vita, di poter imparare la sua lingua.
Che ricchezza, potersi capire, dobbiamo insistere con i nostri ragazzi perchè si avvicinino ad altre lingue, anche in maniera non didattica, buttiamo le grammatiche e cerchiamo di aprire i cuori!
Cilly prima di andare a guardato tutto, mi ha dato dei bei consigli e poi mi ha detto " Se ti capitasse di non sapere dove sbattere la testa, chiamami, troverò il tempo di venire a darti una mano, non farti problemi". Non farti problemi ! Cilly, DANKE!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Taylor Lautner Teeth Braces

Monday morning

Il lunedì mattina, all'alba, nei bar si beve il caffè di corsa e si parla di calcio.
Siamo un popolo di commissari tecnici, si sa, e chi come me capisce di calcio tanto quanto di rugby, cioè niente, è tagliato fuori.

Giuditta mi ha fatto vedere questo spot, troppo bello per non essere salvato:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pokemon May And Dawn Hot

New Dawit

The Dawit is the place where I was born and I spent my early forties. It 's a bar, salad bar, countrystore ... is difficult to define.
On Google Earth is right here: 46 30 26 13 32 40 and Google Maps is in Camporosso Valcanale, by Julian Alps, on the roundabout.
During the last ten years there have been "emotionally" distant. Today I made fifty years I have completely transformed, trying to keep the spirit that animated him. E 'was a challenge that has occupied me and my family throughout this long winter, as well as all persons who have undergone various vicissitudes standoci nearby, including the pastor. The summary of the photos I posted, which for many was incomprehensible. Francesca wrote me a comment question: if she knows that the place was surprised, actually means that they are too cryptic and I take for granted feelings and impressions.
Today my sister, who knows how to take pictures, has more photos and then I picture a bit 'nicer. There are still pictures of the room and the outside, but it was raining and they were very beautiful when the sun reaches it some place a little 'happy.